Friday, December 31, 2010

The Burren

The Burren

Here's another Ireland photo - The Burren. It was something that I started back in the summer and left it for a while - finished it off today. You can see there's a big crease in the drawing - it's been sitting around out in the open for a while. As well, the printout of the photo is cut off at the bottom. Don't think I'll frame this one.

Baby Matthew

Baby Matthew

This is a drawing of my nephew. The photo was taken the day he was born. I used art pencils and a sketch pad for this one. Not sure how long it took - I worked on it for a couple days in October - the outlining - and then didn't work on it again until a couple of days ago - the shading. I plan on buying a frame for it and will give it to my brother and sister in law.

Update: The photo on the very bottom is of the final drawing ... I did a couple small touchups before framing it.